Considered Proposals

The last proposal (#10) is the one I choose. Most considered goes down in descending order meaning Proposal #1 is LEAST considered.

Proposal #1: Fashion Website

Business Proposal #1

This fashion outfit picker was my least considered proposal. While I think it is an interesting concept, I feel like there is already a competitor out there with the same design. There is also little room for change making this project not that adaptable. I like the problem it identifies, but it doesn't align with my desire for a more useful to society invention. I feel like the timeline is reasonable. I might reccomend expanding on the idea by onsidering a more broader fashion market. Other than that, this project just doesn't speak to me as well as the other projects due. Hence why it was my least considred out of the 10.

Proposal #2: Fighting Game

Business Proposal #2

I think a game is a fun idea, but I'm not really interested in creating another game for my isp. It would be a different genre of game from what I made last year, but I just want something more original. I know that the requirement off better society was removed, but I'm more interested in isp's that are working to solve major issues in today's society. On the other hand, with a game you are given a lot more creative space to expand and add to your game to make something better. I like how its like an open sandbox concept with allowing the game to morph into anything you want. In the end, I just felt like the cons outweighed the pros, so that is why I didn't choose this project.

Proposal #3: Recipe Matcher

Business Proposal #3

I think the idea is a cute and fun idea, but I find the project to be a bit boring. I feel like this idea has been already implemented on many websites and this project might deal with a lot of competition. I'm also not very interested in just making a website because I want a project that is something grander. There needs to be a creative twist or aspect that sets the recipe site different from others. However, I admit that there is a lot of room to improve and enhance the project before the deadline. Yet, I don't think this proposal is for me. I want something a bit more challenging and requires a lot more skill.

Proposal #4: Code Convertor

Business Proposal #4

Even though I really like the idea of a code converter, I think it might be too challenging or time consuming. I think this project is high risk and high reward, but I'm looking for a more secure project that I can be comfortable with. I also found the business proposal to not be that persuasive and overall I believe there are better options for me and a isp. That doesn't mean I think this is a bad project, but I think me and the isp is less compatible than other isps. Overall, I like the idea, but am worried on the execution and timeline. Maybe if there was a more detailed processing I might've considered this project more.

Proposal #5: SchoolFood

Buisness Proposal #5

I really like the problem trying to be solved with SchoolFood because it is something I can relate to and get behind. I also I love ideas that improve time efficiency and think the idea is simple enough. However, I believe at the end off it the project is just a normal food ordering app that has already been integrated many times and I may find that boring. If there was more creativity or more optimization to the project I might find it more appealing to me. Other than that, looking at the timeline and there goals for the project, I find this to be a well thought out proposal.

Proposal #6: Smartshop

Business Proposal #6

Smartshop is a good project because the pros and cons balance it for me, however I want a project that has more pros than cons to turn it into a great project. I like the simplicity of the idea, I like how there is a great target market, a efficient solution, and a realistic goal. However, that comes with the project process being boring and less creative. I like the reasonable timeline of the project and personally have an interest in clothes and shopping. What the main issue of the project for me was it was lacking a key aspect that makes the project interesting and unique. I want to work on something that is creative and something I can be committed to. Unfortunately, Smart Shop isn't able to offer that to me. Hence why I declined the proposal.

Proposal #7: Low-Frequency Trading AI

Business Proposal #7

Low-Frequency Trading AI is a really interesting concept, yet the idea of the stock market and stock trading isn't an appealing topic to and wouldn't be something I would be fully committed to. I like the idea of creating an AI and researching on new topics, but I fee like there are many AIs already out there with a similar premise or design. I like the complexity of the project and the challenge and reward that it offers of completing because I would always like to better my skills. However, a major drawback for me is when looking at the GANTT chart I felt the pacing didn't fit with my work ethic. Which is one of the major reasons why I rejected this idea mainly due to compatibility.

Proposal #8: ID Checker

Business Proposal #8

I really like the concept behind this project because I have always enjoyed products that improve efficiency especially when it applies to education. However, my problem lies behind the practicality behind the idea. I see problems arising with enforcing punishment with system if it supposed to replace security due to no authority being able to enact on people without proper identification. This problem could probably be troubleshooted easily, but my problem arises from the simplicity of the idea. There is nothing wrong with a simple idea, but I want something more challenging that I can have fun with. This is why I didn't choose this project.

Proposal #9: DX3

Business Proposal #9

My project DX3 is a design I really like and find it a unique and fun project. I think drowsiness and insomnia is a major problem in today's society and feel like this proposal really tackles that problem. I think the project is a nice balance of challenge and fun, and it makes use of both hardware and software which I want in a project. I believe the timeline set is fair and it appeals to skills I already have and it provides the opportunity to learn new ones. I like that it is my own proposal so I have a stronger commitment to my project. However, I won't be choosing this project. When it came down to it I just found one other project to be just a bit more interesting, but I still think this proposal is really good.

Proposal #10: Attendance Scanner (ISP I choose)

Business Proposal #10

This projects is the one i'm choosing. First off, I believe the problem they are identifying is very relevant and could be a major point of discontent when it comes to efficiency. It makes both use of software and hardware which I am very interested in for a project. I find it to have a perfect balance of challenge and simple that creates fun working enviorment. Looking at the roles needed I find them very vital and show promise of great compatibility. I also fin this project to be useful and could see an actual business form from it. This why I choose this Proposal.