Computer Science Background

Here is an overivew of my experience and knowledge from Computer Science I.

What I Learned Last Year

Last year I learned coding for the first time and how to use Swift. Computer Science 1 taught me the basics of coding such as functions, arrays, coding concepts, and coding vocabulary. It taught me the history of coding and the math behind coding like binary and decimal systems. I learned about boolean variables and different variables. Overall Computer Science 1 taught the basics to prepare me for the computer science feild.


My experiences that gained from the class were how to work in a collabrative group in a computer science setting and how to efficetvely work on a project. I was taught how to creat flow chart diagrams that help lay a foundation for the knowledge of how code will work and to give a visual on how the progrsam will execute. I learned how to debug so I could develop my problem solving skills, which is cruicial for this carrer. I was given labs that tested my knowledge and ability to code certain functions or new concepts to help advance my ability as a student.

Feats and Completed Products

Feats I accomplished in Computer Science 1 was I was able to create numerous amounts of digital journals that illustrated my knowledge of html, as well as the content of the journals themselves adressing different coding concepts that prove my knowledge of my class. I complete numerous labs that contained exercies to prove my knowledge on a certain conecept taught in the class. Finally, for my final project in the class me and a fellow student created a game through swift that demonstrated every skill and concept that I learned in the class.


Overall Computer Science 1 taught me the basic and neccesarry skills to advance my carrer in the computer science feild. I learned different coding softwares, concepts, and computer knowledge background that allow me to create this portfolio today.