About Me:
I am a CS 2 student at Allen Highschool aspiring to go down a comp sci carrer path. I love learning everything about computers amd I'm always growing as a student. I'm also a member of band, Math Honor Society, and NHS. In my spare time I love to read books. I read from a wide catalog ranging from mystery and crime to fantasy and diction. I love to listen to ans keep up with current events in today's media. I'm the oldest sibling to my younger brother and live with my two parents. Currently I want to major in computer science, but im also intrested in computer engineering as a whole.
I find that i'm intrested in things I don't understand. I always strive to understand everything because I believe everything has a purpose. That is why I love to learn no matter the difficulty. My competitive spirit is what drives me to strive to be my best self. I hope my digital portfolio makes that evident. One of my current favorite hobbies is listening to music. I like to listen to a wide range of music wheter it is classical or pop. I find music to be very influential and many of my favorite songs help define me as a person.
Why My Portfolio is Beneficial to Me:
The goal of my digital portfolio is to repersent me as a comp sci student and a person. I take my academic learning very seriously and put a lot of effort in what I produce. I hope my portfolio can give you more insight about me and my skills. I put a lot of work and effort into this portfolio so I can show off my greatest abilites and becasue I hope whoever views this portfolio thinks so as well. My digital protfolio will also be beneficial after my highschool carrer because it will help with college and job applications and help to lay the foundation for my goals in life. You can find my portfolio on github pages here:
My portfolio also houses many projects that I worked on with my fellow computer science students. Which I hold very important to me as I see them as the progress I have made as a student in computer science. This portfolio isn't just a "grade" to me, rather I see it as a digital repersentation of my computer science growth journey. I'm very thankful that I have the oppurtunity to share my portfolio with others, and I hope that it can server as inspiration to future computer science students. Even if I change my mind on what I want to major in, this portoflio will serve as a long lasting memory of what I accomplishged. I put all my work and dtermination into this portfolio.
Github Pages Github Blogs